How you can close the process gap

Closing The Process Gap

How To Identify And Address Inefficiencies In Your Business Operations

Gap analysis plays a pivotal role in helping companies within the market research industry identify areas for improvement and uncover growth opportunities. This structured approach empowers business leaders to objectively assess their existing strategies and take actions to steer their organizations toward their desired objectives.

This methodical approach to refining and upgrading processes entails a comprehensive examination of the existing procedures to identify discrepancies between desired objectives and actual outcomes.

Whether it identifies a snag in the research workflow which requires the integration of a new research tool or staff training requirements, process gap analysis equips market research leaders with a way to pinpoint issues within their processes and address them effectively. Below, you’ll discover more about how to conduct process gap analysis.

But before we start, let’s refresh ourselves on what a process is, and how complicated even the simplest task can be when we actually list it out.

Conducting a Process Gap Analysis

Incorporating process gap analysis into your market research practices requires a clear vision of your research processes, the desired outcomes, and the resources (including personnel and technology) necessary to actualize these processes. This approach aims to improve the efficiency of market research operations, increase the effectiveness of processes, and reduce costs. Below is a breakdown of the process:

1. Defining the Focus Area

Before delving into the analysis, it’s crucial to specify the aspect of your operations that needs evaluation. This could be determined by performance goals, process complexity, time constraints, or the strategic importance of the process. Common focus areas in market research include:

Data analysis
• Sample selection
• Client satisfaction
• Innovation in research methodologies
• Training and development of research staff
• Business development

Gathering data from sources like client feedback, your CRM, performance reports, operational data, industry benchmarks, and process flow charts is essential to ensure a comprehensive analysis.

2. Evaluating the Current State:

Document the current market research process, the technology in use, available resources, and the performance of the process. Scrutinize process tasks, workflow structure, input and output, and performance metrics.

Creating a systems diagram is a great place to start. Then ask yourself:

Does the research process meet the performance goals set for it?
Are there redundant or overly complex elements in the process that can be streamlined to enhance efficiency?
Are there steps within the process that are excessively time-consuming?
Are the research staff satisfied with the process’s performance?

Establishing this baseline allows for a comparison with the desired outcomes.

A list of tools you might want to consider using at this stage are highlighted later in this article.

3. Envisioning the Future State:

Process gap analysis aims to identify inefficiencies and instigate improvements to reach the desired performance goals. It’s essential to clearly define what success in the process looks like, which elements of the process require improvement, and what changes are necessary to achieve process excellence.

For instance, in market research, if the focus is on data collection and analysis, the future state might involve:

Reducing the time required for data collection and analysis
Elevating client satisfaction by offering more insightful reports
Incorporating automation for data processing

A well-crafted improvement plan is crucial to visualize the changes needed to attain the desired performance level.

4. Analyzing Process Gaps:

Compare the current performance of the process with the envisioned future state. Identify and map the missing elements in resources, policies, procedures, and technology that are obstructing progress towards process excellence. For example, improvements might necessitate new technology investments, process redesign, workflow flexibility, automation, and staff training.

5. Developing a Process Enhancement Plan:

The insights derived from the process gap analysis should serve as the foundation for creating improvements and modifications aimed at bridging the gap. For example, implementing automated data collection and analysis tools and refining research methodologies can lead to reduced cycle times and lower operational costs.

6. Implementation and Monitoring:

The final step in the process gap analysis is the implementation of changes and the monitoring of process performance. Collect data to track performance metrics like project execution time, cost, client satisfaction, accuracy, and speed against deadlines. Continuously evaluate the process’s performance against the desired objectives and metrics set for market research activities.

Understanding how process gap analysis operates equips market research firms to spot inefficiencies, develop data-driven improvement strategies, and apply changes that drive excellence within their operations.

Advantages of Process Gap Analysis in Market Research

Embracing a robust process gap analysis approach can yield substantial long-term benefits for market research companies, helping them:

Uncover and eliminate inefficiencies and bottlenecks in research processes.
Reduce research costs and cycle times, enhancing efficiency.
Boost research effectiveness and client satisfaction.
Continually track research performance against objectives.
Develop comprehensive research improvement plans that lead to business success and profitability.

With a well-defined strategy and an approach for process enhancement, process gap analysis positions market research firms for excellence. But what tools can assist these firms in conducting an effective process gap analysis?

Tools for Process Gap Analysis in Market Research

In the market research sector, various tools can be leveraged to identify process gaps and formulate enhancement plans. These include:

SWOT Analysis: Short for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, this tool helps identify performance issues within the research process. It aids in determining the most effective strategies for improvement and resource allocation while mitigating potential risks.

McKinsey 7S Framework: This framework, consisting of seven components – Strategy, Structure, Systems, Shared Values, Skills, Style, and Staff – is valuable for evaluating how specific aspects of the research process align with expectations and objectives.

Fishbone Analysis: As a cause-and-effect analysis tool, fishbone analysis is valuable for dissecting various aspects of the research process, such as methods, metrics, personnel, time management, processes, and materials. This tool helps uncover efficiency issues within the process.

Nadler-Tushman Model: This model is employed to identify process gaps by evaluating a business’s inputs, transformations, and outputs in the context of research. Inputs encompass resources, work environment, and strategy. Transformations represent existing processes, activities, and human capital, while outputs are the results of research performance.

Leveraging these process gap analysis tools can simplify the process and enhance its effectiveness in the context of the market research industry. To determine which tool is best suited for your specific needs, evaluate your business’s objectives, process goals, and desired outcomes.

Unlocking Process Excellence with Part of the .Team

To conduct a thorough and data-driven process gap analysis, especially in the market research field, having access to the right tools and expertise is essential. Part of the .Team offers a wealth of experience in process mapping, supported by a robust process analysis tool. By partnering with us, you can remove the guesswork from process performance analysis, develop data-driven improvement plans, and position your market research company for success. Feel free to reach out for more information on how Part of the .Team can support your process gap analysis needs.