Case Study

Enabling a ResOps company to enter new geographies through process time-saving

Part of the team, Case Study, Automation


  • Most of HMR’s accounting processes were manual, limiting opportunities for automation
  • Individual incentive check processing involved creating folders, labeling, copying details, and physical filing – ripe for automation
  • Other checks like vendor invoices required manual data entry and filing
  • Credit card statement reconciliation was a manual process

Benefits one - Confidence

  1. Reduced manual data entry and filing for invoices, checks, and statements
  2. Automated reconciliation of credit card transactions in QBO
  3. Potential for less manual incentive payment processing with PayPal integration
  4. Increased efficiency by eliminating redundant tasks across accounting workflows


  • Reduce manual effort across accounting workflows
  • Automate routine tasks like data entry, filing, and reconciliation
  • Offer ideas for integrating platforms and improving automation of the accounting process
  • Suggest alternative payment methods for incentive payments
Part of The team, Automation, Case Study


Wow, what a wonderful overview of how we can streamline and automate” – Amy Siadak, CEO HMR
  • Integrate QBO with for automated invoice processing and payments
  • Set up bank feeds in QBO for automated reconciliation of credit card statements
  • Properly configure PayPal integration for streamlined incentive payments
  • Start with basic platform integrations before tackling more complex workflows like invoicing.