Package 3 : AutoFlow

Great, you’re familiar with no-code, low code solutions, but you’re ready to hand off building your automations.  

You know what theay want to be automated, and you’ve got your processes documents and have a plan, super, this is the package for you.

POTT Package 3: AutoFlow:

Price: £1,000 base + £225 per automation


  • Implementation of up to 5 automation

Additional Features:

  • Suitable for simple to moderately complex automation
  • One round of revisions per automation
  • Covers standard API integrations

Price: £2,000 base + £300 per automation


  • Implementation of up to 15 automation

Additional Features:

  • Suitable for moderately complex to advanced automation
  • Two rounds of revisions per automation
  • Covers standard API integrations and agreed basic scripting
  • Basic training session for your team

Price: £5,500 base + £450 per automation


  • Implementation of 25+ automations
  • Complex workflow design with custom solutions

Additional Features:

  • Tackles highly complex automations and integrations
  • Includes advanced scripting
  • Comprehensive documentation and knowledge transfer
  • Up to three revisions per automation
  • Advanced training sessions for your team

All packages are eligible for the Maintenance stage.

Ben Hayman, POTT